Hi there folks! Hmmmm.... Where to start, where to start....
I expect a lot of you have heard the expression "well, whaddaya know!". I've said that over the years in various instances as to say, "well, I didn't know that!", or after seeing someone I had not seen in a while, etc.
This blog is about sharing information, be that in teaching things I know, or reviewing a book I like, recommending a meal at a restaurant, a particular product or what have you.. I share what I know, and I'd love to know what you know! And, along the way, just a little "chit chat" about "whatever" is fine too...
I've discovered I enjoy writing... and story telling.....stories about my experiences in life......funny stories that have happened while growing up, or while on the way to work, or something I've heard from someone else... Just about anything.. I am also an information "connoisseur" and love to research and expand my knowledge on many things.
I stated in a Facebook status post in the past, that I am more of a "blogger" than a "tweeter". What I mean is that I like the "details" baby...:-) The details! Not just a tidbit here and there, no, the nitty gritty. I mean, you can miss a lot of information without the details, huh?? I've laughed at myself over the years and have gotten some friendly "ribbing" from people after I have given some information or told a story and then was questioned with, "do you wanna be a writer"? Or, 'you'd make a good writer, you like details." I seem to have to tell the whole "back story" before I get the "main story" out! 'While this "could" have the potential of boring someone into a deep stupor, I choose to think what I have to share and talk about could be beneficial, informative and fun! That's the goal here folks! So, after kickin' it around in my brain for a while, I decided to go ahead and create this blog.
While I have no aspirations to be a "writer" in the sense of publishing books, I do like to "give information", if you will, and I like to make it clear for the listener or reader. This will be a work in progress and I will add, change and tweak along the way... I plan to create different sections for different topics. I'd like to chit chat, share stories, teach, inform and interact with all of you!
Come on back in a few days and I will talk about a favorite hobby of mine and will have my first installment of a tutorial.
Well, whaddaya know folks???