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A little Chit Chat

Weeeeelllllllllll.... Somethin's been on my miiind...... been on my mind..............


By, Melinda Rose

I have a dream..... That when I board the public bus in the morning to go to work that I will be welcomed with the LACK of cell phone chatter.   The LACK of people spewing all manner of profanity at high volumes while their cell phone is plastered to their ear and some at times simultaneously louding snapping gum seemingly to the beat of the person next to them whose music is high enough (with headphones) for the entire bus to hear, let alone the person snapping gum next to them.....

I have a dream.....That when I enter the train to work that I will be welcomed with the LACK of people doing business on the train, LOUDLY, setting up meetings, asking if one got their email, while someone else is next to them with THEIR music blared high enough (with headphones) for the entire car to hear, and then another person snapping that good ole' wad of gum....

I have a dream:   That when I am in a public establishment, be it, grocery store, restaurant, mall, etc., that I will be welcomed with the LACK of someone just shootin' the good ole breeze, LOUDLY, right next to me, acting like me, the person, right next to them, is an inanimate object, like a pole, or furniture, or whatever your little imagination can come up with.   And lastly,  I have a dream....that when I go into the public restroom, that I will be welcomed with LACK of the person in the stall next to me, TALKING ON THE CELL PHONE!!!!   I mean holy toledo, did it have to come to THIS????? Can't even use the ladies room without hearing personal stories coming from the next stall?????

Ahhhh... The good ole days.... When we just had land line phones growing up (child of the sixties and seventies) and even before the push button models came along.we had to use the dial.... Yes, granted, you had to use some energy to dial each number to the right, but AT LEAST, your finger got a free ride coming back around right?  And we never had an answering machine or call waiting, so, heaven forbid, you just had to call the person back if you got a busy signal or no answer...  I don't know HOW we ever survived such archaic things! ;-)    No email, just good old snail mail...    

Yes,  I seriously have a dream that one day cell phones will be outlawed in public places, just like smoking... Hey, if smokers can go outside, so can the cell phone users.....    BTW, I do have a cell phone so I am in no way against them.  JUST the ABUSE of them....     Hey, a girl can dream...:-)